full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Carolyn Porco: Could a Saturn moon harbor life?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And I also reported that we'd made this mind-blowing discovery — this once-in-a-lifetime dcsrveioy of towering jets erupting from those fractures at the south pole, consisting of tiny water ice casytrls accompanied by water vapor and simple oarnigc compounds like carbon dioxide and methane. And at that time two years ago I mentioned that we were speculating that these jets might in fact be gesreys, and erupting from pockets or chambers of lquiid water underneath the sfrauce, but we weren't really sure. However, the implications of those results — of a possible environment within this moon that could support prebiotic chemistry, and perhaps life itself — were so entxciig that, in the intervening two years, we have focused more on Enceladus.

Open Cloze

And I also reported that we'd made this mind-blowing discovery — this once-in-a-lifetime _________ of towering jets erupting from those fractures at the south pole, consisting of tiny water ice ________ accompanied by water vapor and simple _______ compounds like carbon dioxide and methane. And at that time two years ago I mentioned that we were speculating that these jets might in fact be _______, and erupting from pockets or chambers of ______ water underneath the _______, but we weren't really sure. However, the implications of those results — of a possible environment within this moon that could support prebiotic chemistry, and perhaps life itself — were so ________ that, in the intervening two years, we have focused more on Enceladus.


  1. discovery
  2. geysers
  3. organic
  4. crystals
  5. liquid
  6. surface
  7. exciting

Original Text

And I also reported that we'd made this mind-blowing discovery — this once-in-a-lifetime discovery of towering jets erupting from those fractures at the south pole, consisting of tiny water ice crystals accompanied by water vapor and simple organic compounds like carbon dioxide and methane. And at that time two years ago I mentioned that we were speculating that these jets might in fact be geysers, and erupting from pockets or chambers of liquid water underneath the surface, but we weren't really sure. However, the implications of those results — of a possible environment within this moon that could support prebiotic chemistry, and perhaps life itself — were so exciting that, in the intervening two years, we have focused more on Enceladus.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
tiny water 2
organic compounds 2
liquid water 2
living organisms 2

Important Words

  1. accompanied
  2. carbon
  3. chambers
  4. chemistry
  5. compounds
  6. consisting
  7. crystals
  8. dioxide
  9. discovery
  10. enceladus
  11. environment
  12. erupting
  13. exciting
  14. fact
  15. focused
  16. fractures
  17. geysers
  18. ice
  19. implications
  20. intervening
  21. jets
  22. life
  23. liquid
  24. mentioned
  25. methane
  26. moon
  27. organic
  28. pockets
  29. pole
  30. prebiotic
  31. reported
  32. results
  33. simple
  34. south
  35. speculating
  36. support
  37. surface
  38. time
  39. tiny
  40. towering
  41. vapor
  42. water
  43. years